Information Center
We have created the following documents to help you understand tax filing and saving issues.
Tax Topics
Planning Your IRA Strategy
Should you invest in a Roth or Traditional IRA? Can I get a tax benefit from funding an IRA? When should I start funding my IRA?
These are all great questions and the answers vary depending on your personal situation. This brochure will help you understand the complexities
of planning your retirement savings.
Rental Real Estate As An Investment
One of the best things about renting real estate is that over time the tenants help you buy the property. There are a number of tax ramifications
to renting real estate. This brochure will help you understand those issues a little further.
Required Minimum IRA Distributions
Every year retirees who reach the age of 70 1/2 fail to take a required minimum distribution. There is a tax penalty associated with this failure. The good news is the IRS will waive the penalty in certain situations. This brochure will help you understand the RMD issues.
Roth IRA
If you aren't sure whether to invest in a Traditional or Roth IRA, don't worry you aren't alone. The choice is not a simple one. The main difference
is when the money is taxed, either today or after you retire and start to draw from the account. This brochure will explain what a Roth IRA is
and what you may want to consider in making your decision.
Selling Your Home
Owning your own home can be a great investment, it can also be the source of a huge tax bill. If you sell your home for a profit the gain can be
taxable. The good news is that you may qualify for an exclusion and be able to avoid paying taxes, but you will need to meet certain rules.
Small Business Guide
As a small business owner you may not be considering all of the tax benefits and also pitfalls that affect you. This brochure will help you with the following considerations:
- Deductible expenses including car and truck expenses
- Independent contractor vs. employee
- Saving for retirement
- Estimated tax payments
- and more
There are other brochures on this site that elaborate on some of these topics further, so please take a look at those as well.
Tax Advantaged College Savings
If you have wondered what a Section 529 plan is or just want to learn more about these plans you should download this brochure. It addresses topics
like what a 529 plan is and how contributions can be made to the plan. It will also help you understand how the funds affect other financial
Tax Breaks for Higher Education
There are a number of different ways to take advantage of educational expenses on your tax return. This brochure will help you understand the differences.
Tax Considerations for Retirees
When you retire you may still need to file a tax return.&; There are a number of things to consider that will affect how much tax you pay.&; This
brochure covers the following topics:
- Selling your home, will you be able to exclude the gain?
- Will you need to make estimated tax payments?
- Will my Social Security payments be taxed?
- and more
Tips on Filing Your Tax Return
This brochure covers several tax filing topics including:
- When to file a return and what to do if you can't file on time.
- What to do if you cannot pay your balance due on time.
- The different methods for receiving a tax refund.
- and more
Understanding the Health Care Mandate
The Health Care Mandate was imposed by the Affordable Care Act. If you have coverage through your employer you most likely do not have to be concerned
with the ACA, but for those individuals who are not covered by minimal essential coverage there have been some surprises. The provisions have
been implemented gradually and that has caused some confusion. This brochure addresses how the law will affect you.